Professional Development Contact Us

Customized Professional Development Training

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Contact us directly using the options in the “Get In Touch” window and learn more about our team below. Our online, remote training can be customized for any hurdle so you can improve your team’s response to the changing world, while practicing safe social distancing. Reach out for a no-cost consultation to learn how our training opportunities and experts can solve the challenges experienced by your organization.

Windy Wahlke

Account Executive, Business Training and Development

Windy has been with PCC for over 15 years and has served in a variety of roles across both the credit and non-credit side of the house. Most recently, she has been the program coordinator for Professional Development and Training Open Enrollment and is now coordinating contract training for our Customized Training Department.

Contract Training Team

Key members of our team include a talented cadre of instructors, trainers, and facilitators who possess an extensive depth of experience in a wide variety of training areas, that we match to with organizations’ culture and training objectives.